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Hotel Chelsea Star Beschreibung

Located in Manhattan's hip Chelsea district, between the picturesque Flatiron Building and the Madison Square Garden, the Chelsea Star is New York City's boutique hotel perfect for all budgets.

After a major renovation and expansion, the Chelsea Star hotel offers cheerful accommodation options in private guest rooms with elegant bathrooms, or in welcoming dorm-style rooms for travelers seeking comfort and value at affordable prices.

You will find a brand new décor throughout the three floors of this exciting hotel. The hallways are bright yellow with star bursts and custom light fixtures. Underfoot, vivid red carpets soften the modern and contemporary flooring, while guest room doors are made in brushed stainless steel.

With an unbeatable chic feeling, the Chelsea Star hotel aims to make your stay in New York City as pleasant as possible. A free Internet Point is available in the lobby.

Buchen Sie jetzt! Bestpreisgarantie!



  • Rezeption
  • T.V. Satellit
  • Wi-Fi


  • Föhn
  • Satellitenfernsehen
  • Schreibtisch
  • W-Lan
  • Zentralheizung

Nützliche Informationen


Der Preis beinhaltet keine lokalen Steuern, Zuschläge oder andere zusätzliche Gebühren, die Ihnen das Hotel in Rechnung stellen könnte. weil Sie sie direkt am Zielort bezahlen müssen. Es sei denn, das Hotel gibt etwas anderes an.